Utterly famished from a long evening out with some random shopping, I began to fell nauseous on my metro ride home. How could I have forgotten to eat? I needed something fast but I refused to succumb to the pack of ramen noodles I had waiting for me in my cupboard at home.

I walked into the slightly humid restaurant and waited to be greeted. “Ciao Bella” the man behind the counter calls out to me. I order my 8 inch ‘Union Station’ pizza and wait patiently. Without hesitation, he grabs a piece of dough, throws flower and begins the magical dance of throwing the pizza. Dough flies through the air as he fills the kitchen with Italian. In a snap, it’s in the large fire oven towards the back of the restaurant.
The two men behind the counter make small, charming chit chat with me as I absorb the ambience. I look around and instantly feel comfortable in the welcoming atmosphere. The couple to my left is enjoying their last sips of wine for the evening as the staff shares a friendly smile.
Before I could blink my pizza was ready. The ‘Union Station’ consists of goat cheese, mozzarella, pecorino, gorgonzola, and garlic. (Side note: For those of you who don’t know me from the next woman, I absolutely love cheese and prefer it to any beautiful shiny object or the finest chocolate you could find.) The gentleman behind the counter was nice enough to share some of his freshly picked heirloom cherry tomatoes with me and sprinkled them right on top of the pizza. “They taste just like candy” he said “Trust me.”
I run home and flung open the tiny box. This pizza is just too beautiful to eat but I couldn’t help myself. Each bite gave way to a different cheese that tickled and danced on my pallet. With the occasional bite of raw garlic as a surprise, I was thankful I was eating alone that evening but I couldn’t have done without it. The dough was unlike any I’ve tasted and was cooked to perfection in the fire oven. It had just a light burn on the bottom to add a rustic flavor which complimented the cheese beautifully. He was right, the heirloom tomatoes were a real treat and they melted in my mouth like butter.
I originally bought the pizza for a late dinner and for my lunch the next day but it didn’t make it. If my stomach were bigger, I’d run back for seconds. This authentic pizza is not to be missed on your next visit to Eastern Market. And…they’re open late!
327 7th St SE
Washington, DC 20003-4418
(202) 544-1911
Hours of Operation
(subject to seasonal change)
Tuesday - Saturday
Lunch: 11:30am - 3pm
Dinner: 5:30pm - 10pm
12pm - 8pm
Closed Monday
(subject to seasonal change)
Tuesday - Saturday
Lunch: 11:30am - 3pm
Dinner: 5:30pm - 10pm
12pm - 8pm
Closed Monday
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